Quadpro Not Opening

Should your staff receive the following errors when opening Quadpro, you will need to first try the steps listed below.

Step 1: Please attempt to re open Quadpro, sometimes this works to resolve the problem.

Step 2: If reopening Quadpro does not work, please go to SERVICES and restart the 4D SERVER. Please wait for the 4d server to restart and show as running before attempting to open Quadpro.

Step 3: Should this not work either, please go to Task Manager and end the 4d server process entirely. Then go to Program Files > Quadpro > 4d server and right click on 4d.exe and run as administrator. 

Open the Quadpro program to check if it now opens. If Quadpro opens smoothly, close Quadpro then the 4D server down and then start the 4d server service again once you have done that.

NOTE: Sometimes Quadpro will not open due to lack of space on the holding drive, please ensure there is enough space so that Quadpro can run.