Budgets can be cloned from the current year, as displayed in the Budget Year drop down menu to the next. 

This saves having to re-enter all the budgets at the end of the financial year, when the new budgets are set up for the next one.

From the Budget List Screen select the Option > Clone Budgets menu choice.

The following screen is displayed:

To clone selected budgets and sub budgets, simply check the boxes as needed.

To clone all of your budgets, check ‘Select All’

Once you have confirmed the budgets you would like to clone, click ‘Accept’ to then clone any selected budgets to the new financial year.

The cloned main and sub budgets will be blank in the new financial year. You will need to enter the allocated funds to these budgets.

To find out how to create a New Budget , click here - Learn How to Create a New Budget.