To Export all overdue Job Requests for a certain Operative:

Head to your Job Request list and then press Query.

This will bring up a new window where you can enter search parameteres.

The ones highlighted are what you will need. The field where Steve Operative is entered is where you will need to put the required name.

Now the next step is to include a second search option to bring up all outstanding Job Request. Select Add Line and choose the circled options.

Once you have made this selection , press Query to bring up the filtered list of outstanding requests for that specific Operative.

The next step is to export this information into a handy excel file. Press and Hold CTRL then select the PRINT button. This will prompt you to enter a name for this file. Press Ok once done and save the document.

Once inside the excel file, select a cell with information in and press CTRL & T to create a table. This will allow you to view the table in an easier format and filter data.

Alternatively, download the file attached to this article and Load it from the Query window step. Once you load this file you will be able to amend the operative name.