To create a new job request originator who is able to submit Job Requests, you will first need to go to Admin > Glossaries> Contacts and Users.

On this view please go to the predefined list of ‘Job Requests Originators’ , click to bring up the list under Service Provider Type and then double click on this entry to open the list.

Select ‘Add’ to open a new dialog box where you can enter the new users information.

Enter information in the field required and select save. The new user can now submit requests via Local Host

Password (Optional)


A password can be used, however to make it easier for staff to submit Job Requests, you can remove the password option so they can log in straight away.

To toggle this option on or off go to Admin > Preferences and under Web Serer Prefs , tick ‘Hide Password Box’. Once the desired option has been chose, simply select apply to confirm the change.