Health and Safety risk markers can help your staff and external operatives identify a risk in a space much quicker. This can be done by simply adding a reference number in the spaces details.

Should any of your spaces present risks to a person, they need to be listed clearly to ensure there is awareness of any risks.

In the image below the two highlighted fields are important as they are where you will need to confirm the risk present and enter its reference.

To access this screen please go to a designated space and in that space’s General tab , you will find the required fields.

To confirm the present risk , tick the box and in the ‘Inspection Reference’ field enter a reference you will use to identify that risk.

Once you have entered this information, select ‘Save’ to confirm the changes.

This will now appear when any Job Requests or Works Orders are actioned against this Space.

'Inspection Reference'

This field title can be customised to fit your sites requirements by accessing the Admin > Preferences screen and amending the field which is located under the Building and Space tab.