Storing Documents in Quadpro.

Quadpro allows you to store documents relating to Sites, Buildings, Spaces, Assets, Asset Maintenance, Job Requests, Work Orders and Projects.

This allows you quickly access important files when required.

Each heading will go through the process of storing a relating file.


Upon clicking on this tab you will have the following view appear.

Double click on the blue file link and you will open a designated folder linked to that specific module you are working in. Within this folder you can now copy over additional files which are useful for you to access whilst in Quadpro.

To view these files simply follow the process to the folder again and open as required.


In the Building window you also have the option for Compliance (covered in a separate article)

Using the right hand box you can click on the link to store any files related to this building.

Job Requests:

You can store documents relating to a specific job request. With each new Job Request submitted a folder is automatically created. If you want to add documents relating to a Job Request you can do so by simply opening the link in the field and saving the files as needed. This can range from purchase orders to notes about that request.