Editing User Accounts:


If you would like to edit, add or delete a User account select Admin > Glossary from the Home Screen toolbar.

From the dropdown menu select ‘Contacts and Users’ to bring up the screen for User and Provider accounts.

To make a change to a User Account’s permissions or information , select the account name you wish to edit and double click to open a dialog box as displayed below.

To make any changes to the logged information , simply click on the boxes to then enter new information.

You may introduce a password to accounts that have unrestricted access to ensure the protection of important data stored on the system.


Enter a secure but memorable password in the designated box.


This field allows you to log in to Quadpro using your windows account.

Please contact us to find our more regarding this setting.

Editing Permissions:

If you would like to change a permission a user has you simply need to click on a desired row and then using the drop down menu title 

‘Access’ select either ‘No Access’ , ‘View Only’ or ‘Unrestricted’.

To make one type of access the same for each permission select the one you would like to designate for the user and click ‘Apply All’ to make the change.

Once you have updated the information for that User Account, click save to finalise the changes.