To access a list of all Spaces within your Sites, select Property > Space 

A list displaying all of the logged spaces will appear as below.

The drop-down menu in the bottom left corner allows you to bring up selected categories.

To view a space, double click on its row and a new window will open containing information related to that space.

The above view displays the General information about that selected space. To amend any of this, simply change as needed and then save.

The bottom tabs for this screen are – General, Assets, Security, Plans & Photos, Notes & Documents.


Assets is the category name given to items such as boilers, sprinklers etc within a space. When you click on this tab a full list of assets within that space. To view more information on any of those assets, double click on it and further information will be displayed.

To find out further information on assets please visit the following link.

Plans & Photos

To view the plans and photos for the selected space simply click on a desired file. You may alsouse the dropdown menu to choose between plans or photographs.

Learn more about adding plans and photos here

Notes & Documents: 

To add any notes regarding this placequ, simply click and type information then select save to update the data. If you need to access all documents, double click on the link displayed in the document box to open the folder containing the files relative to the space.

To find out more about setting up a new space , please see the following linked page

How to create a space.