Once your order for Quadpro Stock is confirmed, you will be given a direct link to the system where you can begin setting up. Press Sign Up and fill out the Form.

We will provide you with a designated organisation code as soon as you are ready to proceed. The process of setting up is simple and you once you complete the form, you will be sent a confirmation email to click to access the system.

Types of Users:

There are three user types in Quadpro stock –Requestor, Storekeeper and Manager. The different benefits and permissions are listed below:


A requestor is able to make requests for stock via the Stock request page. This is the only page they can access. A requestor cannot make stock changes or see any other data in the app.


A storekeeper is a Manager assigned to a certain location. They will see all the Stock requests in the system and can fulfil the requests by allocating stock to them.


A manager has full access to the system, and can edit the accounts of other users. 



Suppliers can be stored in the system and accessed for when you need a stock replenishment or if you need to see what other products they offer.


The first step to setting up your system is creating the users. You can access the users portal via the settings area on your Home Screen.