As shown at the beginning of this guide, there are six different types of scenarios when and where Forms can be utilised. We will start off with Asset Maintenance related Checks. Find out more about how Asset Maintenance Works on the Quadpro Solutions Portal Asset Maintenance Area.

1 - Create an Asset Maintenance Record

Linking Checks to your Assets is quick and simple. In your chosen asset record, create an Asset Maintenance record tick the box to confirm your choice and using the Sector & Form Type drop downs you can associate this record to the relevant form. If you do not wish to associate a record with a form, do not tick the check box and then continue as normal.

The Job Type categories will auto fill to PPM and you can then fill out all other related Asset Maintenance Data.

These Checks will then automatically be associated with your chosen asset and stored whenever you need to find the information. 

If the Check fails, a remedial Job Request can be set up to resolve the failure and ensure it will be compliant. When you complete a check as compliant, it will auto fill the passed and date done fields for you in the Asset Maintenance and Job Request records.

2 - Form for Use by An Estates Operative in a Regular Check:

Regular Checks: (Estates Operatives)

Create a new Check via the method shown in Section 2: and through the location and staff field, simply add the assigned operative. 

Once allocated, these checks go straight into the workload of the assigned user and can be accessed via their Web Portal.

3 - Form for Use by members of staff to undertake regular Checks:

Regular Checks: (H&S Staff)

Create a new Check via the method shown in Section 2: and through the location and staff field, simply add the associated H&S staff member and set first due date. The H&S staff users will appear under the same list as operatives and can be chosen for checks such as Departmental Inventory Checklists or Pre-Use Vehicle form. The assigned user will be notified via email prior to the designated due date.

Once allocated, these checks go straight into the workload of the assigned user and can be accessed via their Web Portal. They will not be able to see any other checks apart from their allocated ones.

4 - Create Form to be Used in one-off Checks:

Ad hoc Check: (Allocated to all approved Forms users)

Create a new Check via the method shown in Section 3: and through the location and staff field, simply add the associated H&S staff member and set first due date. These types of checks apply to those that are non regular and are created and completed when required. The assigned user will be notified via email prior to the designated due date.

Once allocated, these checks go straight into the workload of the assigned user and can be accessed via their Web Portal. They will not be able to see any other checks apart from their allocated ones. These checks cannot be associated with Job Requests and are not bound by compliance routines. Typically these users are not associated with using the main Quadpro system but can access via the Web Portal on mobile and desktop. 

5 - Ad Hoc Check (Requested)

Sometimes a Check before using a vehicle or piece of equipment may be required. These checks can be used and assigned each time they are needed. As shown previous, you just need to set up a list of questions for your required sector and then assign to the relevant person as and when needed.

6 - Adding Check to Existing Job Request:

Should there be a Job Request which reports extensive damage or a safety risk to structure, items or people, then a linked form can be created and assigned to an operative. This will then in turn allow them to determine if the issue is compliant or non-compliant and whether it needs further action to make safe. These records will be linked to the original Job Request. When the related Check is completed as compliant, it will auto fill the date done and action completed fields for you.