Job Request Originators are all users who can create a Job Request via the Web Portal or via the desktop system when chosen by an administrator. There are two areas where these users can be created.
1 - Via the web portal registration page
2- Manually in the desktop system.
Setting up Job Request Originator via Quadpro Web Portal:
Users can visit your site's dedicated Quadpro Web Portal and click the registration link to then fill out the form below. They will be automatically set up as a requester user. However, if they need to be assigned a different level of access, this will need to be done by the administration team.
Setting up Job Request Originators manually in the desktop system.
Head to Admin>Glossary and then select the Contacts & Users option from the bottom left hand list
Using the table on the top left, choose Job Request Originator and click this field once. On the right hand side list, select Job Request Originators and you will be able to then open the full list of users
Press Add to bring up the new users form.
Fill out information relative to that user. To add a contact photo, simply select the 3 dot button and browse to the photo needed.
To lock the user or mark as left employment, tick the boxes shown.
If the user is a member of an estates team - such as plumbing , they can be assigned to that resource team via the dropdown menu
Click the approvals tab to manage information about the permissions that user needs.
Select the Web Access Type that they should be assigned and if needed, restrict their account to a default site or building.
Under permitted services, you can choose which lists the user appears in. This is more suited for maintenance team users.
Add Works Order Creation and Works Order Contact to add a user into the list as an operative.