With the update to Quadpro V5.17, Contacts and Users has changed. In this area, you will only be able to manage users which are accessing the main Quadpro desktop system.
Head to Admin > Glossary and select Contacts & Users from the dropdown menu.
Service Provider Permitted services can be assigned to your contractors or suppliers and are used to show what they are permitted to do.
The SP contact permitted services help you determine where they appear in dropdown lists. You can assign Job Requests or Works Orders to these users.
Users & Access
Create and manage users who will access the Quadpro system.
Select Add from the bottom of the list and fill out details as applicable. Using the Access dropdown you can choose either unrestricted, no access or view only options for each module. Once you have applied these permissions to each row, just press save. Alternatively you can choose one option and then select apply all to give this permission to all modules.