Work Order Ref Label:
Customise the reference label for your Work Order forms. We have used QDS-WO to show as an example
Work Order Title
Enter your preferred description for a Works Order.
Work Order Note 1 & 2
Enter any general clauses or instructions that apply to any Works Order. These notes appear in the footer of the printed order.
Approve WO before Issuing:
Works Orders sometimes need to be independently checked and approved before issuing. Tick this check box to require works orders to be approved before issuing.
Default Work Order Type:
Select Internal or External from the drop-down menu if you predominately issue one or other type of order. This saves having to select the type every time.
Default Job Request/ Work Order Location Format:
Choose from the dropdown menu what format you would like the location to appear in.
Allow Budgets to be Changed on Issued WO’s.:
This feature is to be used WITH CAUTION¸ it must be run by Quadpro before doing so. Ticking this option allows you to change budgets after a Works Order has been issued.
Send to BCC:
You can add an email address in this field which all outbound Work Orders are copied to.
Email Body Text:
Enter information which will go out with each Works Order and is used across the system
Send Internal /Timesheet WO by email:
This option can be used when labour time is undertaken with the works order.
The Counters and Restricted tabs are handled by Quadpro and these cannot be accessed.