
The Quadpro home screen now displays a list of Job Requests. These will display the latest requests by the current year and most recent. To create a new Job Request, press Add from the toolbar menu. Alternatively, you can access Job Requests via the left hand menu.

The new dialogue window will appear along with the next reference number in the sequence. You will then need to enter all the information about that Job Request into the required fields.

In the main Job Request module, you can filter by multiple different categories as well as filter by resource team.

1) Firstly you will need to lock in the reference number, select Save from the bottom of the screen. Here you will choose who is submitting the Job Request and where it is located. If it is not in a specific space, leave that area blank. Should the space contain a risk then it will be highlighted and shown in the Inspection Reference field. To acknowledge the risk, tick the box.

2) The next step is to enter all the information regarding the issue you are reporting. Using the Job Type, Sub Type and problem drop downs, you can build up a quick profile of the issue. In the action required box, click to open the dialog window and enter any further information that would be helpful. Should this request be an asset maintenance record, the asset name will display in the relative field. A priority marker will also need to be chosen – this signifies how urgent the request is. The priority due date will display immediately to the left hand side.

3) Under the action heading, you will need to choose an operative who is best suited for this Job Request. If they have been permitted access, the field box will display as ticked. If there are associated Risks involved which operatives need to be aware of, select the RAMS Tab and choose where applicable. You can add a pre defined list of Risks in the Glossary area.

4) The scheduled feature is only available to those who have purchased the premium feature – this links in with the portal. If you do not have the premium portal feature, these will not appear in your system.

5) The solutions area contains the date of completion, how many hours it took and the feedback rating from the Requestor. Operatives can also outline what actions they took to complete the Job Request. Complete the Action Taken field you can click and open a dialog window to populate with information. Directly below this area is the overdue display. If a Job Request is not completed by its priority due date, then it will be deemed overdue and the number of days is displayed there. 

6) These areas allow you to link and other related Job Requests, Diary notes, and Work Orders associated with this specific Job Request. Use the green plus icons to add to a list, or the red bin icon to remove any you don’t require.

7) Add any documents related to this Job Request by clicking on the Documents Tab. Here you can easily store and access files. Images uploaded with the chosen Job Request are stored in the documents area. The image marker below will display if there is an image associated with this Job Request

Once you are satisfied with the information entered, hit Save to confirm your Job Request.

Reviewing a Job Request: