Adding Building and Site Plans to Quadpro


Quadpro allows you to store all of your site and building plans in one easy to access place. This can be accessed via your folder short cuts on the Quadpro home screen.

The next step is usually completed by Quadpro or your IT team.

Firstly, you will need to set up the link between Quadpro and the Building/Site plans folder. This is very simple to do.

Extend the preferences tab to show the full list and click on Graphics Paths.



Once you are in the Graphics Paths window, you will have a list of file paths alongside their relative categories.

The paths you need to set up are highlighted below. 


Building Plans:

Building plans should be stored in the Building Plans folder under the following naming convention.

Building Code – 2 – 1 

The second number ascends with each plan that you add. So for our test building, Lander Block (LANB) the first plan would be.


Followed by 








Building Photos:

Building Photos should be stored in the Building Photos folder under the following naming convention:

Building Code – 1 – 1 

The second number ascends with each photo that you add. So for our test building, Lander Block (LANB) the first photo would be.



Site Plans: 

Site plans are unique in being that they allow you to interact with them by clicking on select buildings and bringing up further information relative to that building.

Site Plans should be stored in the Site Plans folder under the following naming convention:

Site Code e.g SCH. An example file will be followed by its format which it is saved it. 

This will look like this SCH.png

Site Photos: 

Site Photos should be stored in the Site Photos folder under the following naming convention which is the same as the Site Plans format:

Site Code e.g SCH. An example file will be followed by its format which it is saved it. 

This will look like this SCH.png



Adding a Building Plan/Image and Site Plan/Image


Head to the respective list of files from the Preferences Menu

They all have the same layout so the process of adding files can be used across all windows.



To update the list of files, press Delete to temporarily remove the files from the system. Then press update to restore all files along with any new ones adding. Then press Done once complete.

Viewing Files: 

To view the files , head to the Site or Building you require. Then open the Plans or Photos tab within that record. 

Click on the image once, to view the thumbnail and then click on the thumbnail to view a larger version of the image.