Asset Maintenance Records:

From the Quadpro Home Screen, select the Asset Maintenance option located on the left hand menu.


You will be displayed with a list of all Assets Maintenance records created under your organisation. These are not categorised by site, building or space. To filter for a specific asset maintenance record, you can use the query option. To view any assets, simply double click on a choice.

Once inside a specific Asset Maintenance Record’s menu , you will arrive at the home screen here all important general information is displayed.





Asset Maintenance Record

The asset maintenance screen displays all information about that record, such as ID, how much in advance the Job Request is created, cost and information. Each operative who is assigned this record will need to complete it and upload any documents that are related to it.

To create a new Asset Maintenance Record, simply click Add from the record list or via the Asset Maintenance Records tab on your chosen asset.