
Firstly you will need to lock in the reference number, select from the bottom of the screen, Save. Choose a budget and sub budget which will cover this Works Order. The order date will Automatically be filled in with the current date, however this can be changed if needed. The issue date will initiate once the order has been finalised and issued.  You will then need to select who it was created by and the priority status of the Works Order.


In the description box, make sure you write all information relating to this Works Order. Select a location from this list for this Works Order. If the Order applies to an entire building, leave the space field blank. Should the space you have chosen contain a risk, it will highlight on the Works Order and tick the Space Contains Risk box. To add any risks associated with the Works Order, click the RAMS button to choose from your list.


Choose a contact for the Works Order who will be completing it and the contractor associated with it. Any further contact information can be inputted in the field below.

4) If the Works Order is related to a Job Request or a Project , their reference numbers will appear in the fields.

5) Enter any instructions related to the Works Order here, along with any Health and Safety Considerations required.



To add a set of items to this Works Order simply select the Add button. This will bring up a small dialog box where you will need to enter information about that item. Input the name of that item, the quantity and its unit type, then enter a rate for each item and the total cost will be calculated for you. To remove any items from the list, click on a row and press delete.


Payments work in a similar manner to Work Order Items. Press Add to create a new payment record. You will need to outline what type of payment this is from the drop down list.

If you have a number of payments to make, we recommend following the order seen in the list on the right hand side. Once you select and confirm a final payment, the Works Order will be set as completed. 

Issuing the Works Order

1) Select Issue to bring up the print function menu. Here you will have a list of options to choose from.

2) Choose where this Works Order is distributed to.

Splitting the Works Order

When you have a works order issued and then decide you want to apportion some of the cost to another budget you can split the order into two or more. Select the split option and you can then choose the number of WO’s you want to break this down into. Once chosen this cannot be undone.

You will then be able to populate the split works order with information.