Using the Quadpro resource calendar


The Quadpro resource calendar is a powerful tool to use for scheduling, assigning and managing your teams, operatives and Job requests.

All unassigned Job Requests will appear in the left hand column of the calendar window.

By selecting a Resource, managers can filter unassigned Job Requests and Calendar schedules to specific trades or teams.

Jobs are also highlighted by colour for their priority. These are as follows:

Red – Priority order 1 (Urgent)

Green – Priority order 2 

Blue– Priority Order 3 

Black – Non Priority

Assigning Job Requests to operatives.

The simple drag and drop feature allows you to easily schedule time slots for each Job Request. You can only move one at a time. To confirm the assignment of each Job Request – select save, then proceed on to the next one. If you have moved a Job Request that you wish to keep on the list for now, simply hit refresh before saving or enter the Job Request and change the referred to option to unassigned.

Using the left or right arrows at the top of the calendar, you are able to toggle through each day.

Different Views:

The calendar offers different views for you to switch between. These views are best suited for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Using the two small icons at the top right of the calendar, you can choose the following views:

   - this selection gives you an overview of two days at any time.

 - This selection gives you a list view that can be toggled between daily, weekly or a 30-day view.