Health and Safety files can be added to works orders to make operatives aware of any potential risks.

To store Health and Safety documents in Quadpro which can then be applied to works orders you will need to do the following.

From the home screen select ‘Admin > Glossary’

Then using the drop down menu, select – ‘Work Orders’.

Displayed here is the Work Order menu.

To add a health and safety document, you will need to add it in the ‘Risk’ menu.

Press ‘Add’ to open a dialog box.

Enter the name of this health and safety file in the name field.

To insert a file to Quadpro – choose ‘Upload File’  then select the file you require.

Once you have selected the file, this will then automatically add it to the Risk Menu List.

To ensure this is stored correctly select save on the work orders menu.

You will now be able to choose this risk when creating works orders.