Creating a new user for Quadpro

When first accessing your Quadpro system you will already have an account set up by ourselves which will be designated as your system administrator.

Additional Quadpro users can be set up from this account with varying levels of privileges.

From the Quadpro Home Screen select Admin > Glossary .

You will now be displayed with the following menu screen.

Using the arrows in the bottom , click through to ‘Contacts and Users’

Displayed below is the menu screen for contacts and users within your establishment.

The section you require to add a new user is identified under ‘Users & Access’.

Click ‘Add’ to bring up a new dialogue box.


Within this box you will need to enter the details of that new user.


The First Name and Surname of that user is also their username for the Quadpro System.


Please use a secure and memorable password to ensure the safety of all your data

AD Login:

Log in using your windows account username


This is the type of access that you want to allocate the user


In this field you will be able to choose from a list, the sections of Quadpro that this user can access and use.

If you want to give this user full access, select ‘apply all’.

Once you are happy with the selection and information made click ‘Save’ to enter this user into your system.